Презентация О Беларуси На Английском Языке

Презентация О Беларуси На Английском Языке

Беларуси, которые должны заманить туристов в страну.

Презентация к уроку английского языка . Nowadays Belovezhskaya Pushcha withing territory of Belarus possesses status of national park. Описание слайда: 8. Belovezhskaya Pushcha is covered by woods. The age of trees ranges up to 1. Sometimes you can find true record breakers: 2. Описание слайда: Variety of flora and mild climate form favorable conditions for life of forest animals.

Here live 5. 5 species of mammals, more than 2. Описание слайда: However, the most remarkable wild animal of the park - and the biggest one in Europe - is European bison called .

In 1. 99. 9 the Narachanski National Park was organized here. Описание слайда: The lake is distinctive with the richness of swimming birds on it and nesting of rare for Belarus species of birds, such as mute swan (лебедь- шипун), terns (крачка), small osprey (орлик), small grebes (поганка), is registered in its suburbs. Описание слайда: Mir castle.

Описание слайда: The castle in Mir is one of the most significant monuments of the architecture of Belarus. In 2. 00. 0 the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO has inscribed the castle on the World Heritage list.

Рассказ "Добро пожаловать в Беларусь" на английском. Посмотреть сочинение. Вход для всех. Презентации по английскому языку. Раздел посвящен готовым презентациям для уроков английского языка. Английский язык "English" является официальным языком англичан. Здесь вы можете найти презентации по английскому языку. Качественные презентации на английском языке на разные темы. Беларусь - страна богатая на различные архитектурные строения. Здесь есть замки, церкви, монастыри, крепости. Все это построено .

Версия на одну минуту на английском языке. И если в том видео . Описание слайда: Belovezhskaya Pushcha Belovezhskaya Pushcha is the oldest national Park of Europe situated in Western part of Belarus and partially on . Минская коллекция рефератов, белорусские рефераты, рефераты беларуси, рефераты, реферат, коллекция рефератов, московская коллекция . 1 место в Беларуси по результатам приёмной кампании 2013 года. Председатель .

Презентация О Беларуси На Английском Языке

Описание слайда: The White Tower of Kamenets A neat example of 1. It is utterly impossible to stay indifferent to the terse Roman and early gothic shapes of this dungeon. Описание слайда: This is the only medieval military architecture monument of the kind fully surviving in Belarus. Since 1. 96. 0 the tower has been home to an archaeological and local history museum with varied collections of medieval weaponry and armour. Описание слайда: Saint- Sophia cathedral in Polotsk St Sophia Cathedral is situated on the highest bank of the Western Dvina. Duke Vseslav of Polotsk invited professional architects from various countries to construct the cathedral.

Описание слайда: The cathedral was not only the leading temple of the Western- Slavonic Orthodoxy, but also a large cultural- educational center, a burial- vault of Polotsk princes (1. The library was plundered during the Livon war 1. Polish king Stephan Batorij together with the Jesuits. Описание слайда: National Library of Belarus founded on 1.

September 1. 92. 2, is a copyright library of the Republic of Belarus. It houses the largest collection of Belarusian printed materials and the third largest collection of books in Russian behind the Russian State Library (Moscow) and the Russian National Library (St Petersburg). Physx3_X64.Dll Для Метро Редукс. Описание слайда: It is now located in a new 7. Minsk. The building can seat about 2,0. Описание слайда: In addition to serving as a functional library, the National Library is a city attraction.

Презентация О Беларуси На Английском Языке
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